Thursday, August 8, 2013

Man of Steel Review

Alright so I waited to say anything because I didn't have anything to say about it but here it is. Let’s just start off with the pithy-non-spoiler blurb to let you know what I think of “Man of Steel”.

If you are a long-time fan who still loves Superman, this movie will absolutely kill him for you. If you are someone who doesn't like Superman and thinks he desperately needs an “update” this movie might be the long awaited revival you've always wanted.

                                                                                                 Superman is dead. Long live Superman.

Alright so let’s get to the spoiler-y bits that you almost absolutely already know about because of the aforementioned time delay. Superman kills General Zod at the end of Man of Steel by snapping his neck in order to save some civilians. Now some have argued that this is acceptable for the character and others disagree and I honestly don’t want to throw my hat into that ring because better writers than me have discussed it better than I could. (Source)( source)

My question is less, ‘Is it within the rules of a Superman story to allow Superman to kill people?’ and more ‘why would you ever want Superman to kill someone?’
See the problem for years with Superman according to his detractors is that he is a boring one dimensional character. Basically just a big old goody two shoes.

How is this image not relevant to your life?

 I always figured the way to fix this problem was to give Supes more dimensions; make sure he has a supporting cast of well rounded characters and a plot that works so as to prove whatever morality he has is  relevant again. Superman may have been a one note character but in Man of Steel he is a zero note character. Almost everything he does is motivated entirely by other people. 

He chooses not to become a hero because his adopted father doesn't want him to become a hero. Then he becomes Superman because his original  father basically hands him a cape and costume saying, “here go be Superman.” 
                                  You will be an inspiration to literally no one

Even his name comes from another person, Lois Lane just kind of pulls it out of her ass. He’s kind of a nothing man, inputting other peoples morals and then acting on them. Even the idea to kill Zod has to be told, directly to him, by Zod because you know, he couldn't have decided himself killed Zod was a good idea before they smashed through half of Metropolis.

I get everyone has external forces that affect their life but part of being a hero is making hard decisions for yourself. What is heroic about this character who doesn't seem to decide anything on his own?

The single most heroic thing Superman does; sacrificing himself to General Zod so Zod won’t kill everyone, is ultimately still someone else’s idea because he only gives himself up to the army. They decide to give him to Zod.

I mean if you like this version of the character, that’s fine, we all have our opinions. I even get wanting to take away from the goody-goody nature of the character and give him a little edge. But what absolutely confounds me is how people think this is a better version because of a little violence.

I mean if you take away the one note a one note character has and replace it with violence how is he any different from any other action star? 

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